Thursday, February 28, 2008

Summery response

About GM Food

In his article, “Would You Like Fries With Your Clone?”, Guterl(2008) tells us whether GM food is good or not. Among the many of GM food, especially He focuses on cloned meat. He shows various aspects and lots of useful information about cloned meat. According to in the article, cloned meat has exact same quality with original species so we can eat good quality meat and save money. Actually livestock industry in US, they expect that they make lots of profit from GM food by cloning exact same copies with original. However there are some opposite side about cloned food. People who disagree with cloned food argue that there is possibility that it will be dangerous because we do not know all about DNA. In conclusion, even if the author shows both sides about GM food and cloned food, he seems to support the idea of GM food because he claims that we would not expect that cloned food is harmful for human.
It is clearly true that GM food have more advantages than disadvantages. The earth’s food resources are limited but as world population keep increasing, the need for more foods is also increasing. This kind of new technology can make our living condition better than before because it is safe to eat, improves nutrition and gives economic benefits to both producers and consumers.

First of all, cloned foods are safe to eat because there are no victims or problems caused by eating cloned meat. Some people argue that we should not eat cloned meat because we do not know all about that. However it is not make a sense. According to the article, Gutler(2008) says that “the safety authorities in the United States and Europe have apparently reasoned that a theoretical possibility is not reason enough to ban the practice”(para. 8). There are no problems so far. It means that cloned meat is safe to eat. Therefore we can eat cloned food without any harmful effect.

Second, cloned foods are good for healthy because it can improve nutrition. In his article, Guterl(2008) states that “Cloning, by definition, produces exact copies. The clone of cow that produces great milk should itself produce great milk.”(para. 3). Therefore we can eat cloned foods that have great quality. In addition, this kind of biotechnology can help poor people. There are many people who suffer from undernutrition because of their economical or environmental conditions. Especially less development countries’ case, GM food can help starving people and improve their healthy. In his article, Oliver(2007) says that “Golden Rice is loaded with so much beta-carotene that it can combat the issues of Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) to the point that some say it can even prevent blindness.” This research shows that GM food can improve our health condition. Therefore by eating GM food, like cloned meat and golden rice, we can be healthier than before.

Finally, cloned meat gives economical benefits. People can save their money by eating cloned meat because it is much cheaper than origin species but has same quality. Moreover farmers who breed cloned cow also can make lots of profit. According to the article, Guterl(2008) says that “On such an animal there’s no point in using cloning which can cost $20,000 a pop. However, an elite cow - one whose optimized for producing the healthiest, longest-living and most productive offspring - can fetch more than $100,000.”(para. 4). This research shows that livestock industry can make lots of economic profit from cloning. Therefore we should use this biotechnology for economy.

In conclusion, as keep growing population, demand for foods are also increasing. GM food is most efficient way to solve this problem because it has many benefits like safe to eat, economical and healthy. Therefore GM food should come into food chain. Therefore we should eat GM food for our future.


Guterl, F(2008, January 18). Would You Like Fries With Your Clone? Newsweek Retrieved February 19, 2008, from

Oliver, R.(2007, October 30). All about: GM rice. CNN NEWS. Retrieved February 19, 2008, from

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